How Boni Khalwale Correctly Predicted The Next Chief Justice 1 Week Ago

8 years ago

If you had asked anyone after the Chief Justice interviews who would be the Judicial Service Commission’s pick, one of the most unlikely answers would have been Justice David Maraga.

His interview was not highly anticipated and was quite uneventful. Many people did not even form an opinion about him, and yet he went on to be named the Chief Justice nominee.

When everyone was putting their money on the likes of Smokin Wanjala, Makau Mutua and Alnashir Visram, the name Maraga rarely came up.

But Boni Khalwale made the right pick exactly one week ago.

”The interviews 4 next CJ, have shown that th choice is between Smokin Wanjala & David Maraga. JSC, please spare us surprises,” he tweeted on 16th September.

I don’t know what Khalwale saw that everyone else didn’t, but that must have been a very informed pick.

Of course he took to Twitter yesterday to congratulate himself and accept congratulations for his accurate guess.

Source: Nairobi Wire




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