KUCCPS Application 2022/2023 Revision of Courses

3 years ago

Online Application for the 2022/2023 Placement to Universities and Colleges

KUCCPS Student Portal now open for First Revision 2022

KUCCPS 2022/2023 Placement Results (Know Where you were placed)>>

The KUCCPS online application portal is now open for the 2020/2021 placement to institutions of higher learning.

KUCCPS: How to Revise University Courses 2022

Application Guidelines

  1. To apply, login to the Student’s Portal using your KCSE Index Number and KCSE Year. Use your Birth Certificate Number/KCPE Index Number as the Password.
  2. All programmes have minimum subject requirements. You will only be able to apply for a course whose minimum requirements you meet, but the selection will be determined by the overall performance and the available capacity.
  3. You may view the available programmes and their requirements by clicking the Programmes tab in the portal. You can also search for courses by institution, using the Institutions tab.
  4. As you select the programmes, you may move the ones that interest you into the Course Basket. This will enable you to work with a shorter list when preparing your final list of courses to apply for.
  5. Once you have settled on your preferred courses, you will only be required to enter the Programme Codes.
  6. To apply, use the Application/Revision tab to enter the Programme Codes.
  7. After confirming that the Programme Codes entered are for the courses you would like to apply for, please submit and follow the application fee payment instructions.
  8. An application processing fee is charged as follows:
    • Students applying for the first time – Ksh 1,500
    • Students revising their choices submitted in school – Ksh1,000
  9. The placement processing fee should be paid after you have selected courses.
  10. You are advised to keep your transaction code safely. It will be required before you make any subsequent changes to your application.

How to Pay

  1. Go to your Lipa na M-PESA Menu
  2. Select Pay Bill
  3. Enter Business Number 820201
  4. For the Account Number, enter your KCSE Year and KCSE Index Number (no space)
  5. Enter your M-PESA PIN and Send.
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  • KUCCPS 2020/2021 Intake,
  • KUCCPS Admission Letters,
  • KUCCPS Admission List 2020/2021,
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  • KUCCPS Placement,
  • KUCCPS Downloads,
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5 years ago

Can one check if someone is eligible for a certain course without login in?

Edwin Irungu
Edwin Irungu
4 years ago

Thanks for the good work you are doing.
Can you place a needy student in a college/university who did his KCSE exams in 2012 and got a B-minus?
He is my neighbour and since then he hasn’t found any assistance.

jeff odhiambo
jeff odhiambo
4 years ago

am experiencing dificulty in applying

Florence wanja
Florence wanja
4 years ago

I paid money b4 submitting courses.I didn’t receive code should I pay again yet I paid 1500 instead of1000

4 years ago

i have forgotten my mpesa transaction code , how do i revise for second time without it

Otieno Evans
Otieno Evans
4 years ago

I am experiencing difficulty in revising my courses coz my cluster points are not matching the available programmes…please i really need help and the countdown is almost over….this is my no:0757287304

Otieno Evans
Otieno Evans
4 years ago

I am experiencing difficulty in revising my courses coz my cluster points are not matching the available programmes…please i really need help and the countdown is almost over….this is my no:0757287304

Sophy Odawo
Sophy Odawo
4 years ago

Am experiencing difficulty in applying please help me


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