KUCCPS Application for KMTC Courses

2 years ago

KUCCPS Application for KMTC Courses

KUCCPS announces application for KMTC courses

Students seeking to join the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC) can now apply through the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) portal.

The KUCCPS portal opened today, with 30 KMTC programmes available for application. The programmes, which are at diploma and certificate levels, include community health nursing, mental health and psychiatry, midwifery, radiography and imaging, medical laboratory sciences, occupational therapy, optometry, pharmacy, physiotherapy and public health, among others.

The application targets individuals who completed the KCSE examination from the year 2013 to 2022. The deadline for the applications will be on August 4, 2023.

“This is a milestone because KMTC and KUCCPS have a common objective of enhancing access to quality higher education and training opportunities in a manner that is equitable to all Kenyans,” said KUCCPS Chief Executive Officer Dr. Agnes Mercy Wahome.

Providing the KMTC courses on the KUCCPS platform will ensure equity, fairness and balanced access to the training opportunities, she added.

In addition, KUCCPS has a data base of the KCSE examination results of all the potential applicants, hence does not require applicants to provide their results.

Interested applicants can access the list of all the available programmes in the 83 KMTC campuses countrywide, including the minimum subject requirements, in the KUCCPS Student’s Portal,

With the entry of KMTC into the KUCCPS fold, the Placement Service now places students in degree, diploma, certificate and artisan courses in 289 public training institutions and 30 private universities in Kenya.

Meanwhile, the deadline for the ongoing application for placement to diploma programmes in primary Teacher Training Colleges has been extended to August 4, 2023. All other application guidelines remain as previously advertised.

KMTC courses now available on KUCCPS portal



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