1. Meru County Accountant Jobs Kenya (6 Posts)
Must be a Kenyan citizen
Must have KCSE C+ and above or its equivalent qualification.
Apply here for the Meru County Accountant Jobs Kenya (6 Posts)
2. Meru County Budget & Finance Officers Kenya Jobs (4 Posts)
Must have KCSE C+ and above or its equivalent qualification.
A Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (Finance option), Business Management or Finance, Economics, Business Administration, any other related field OR Any Bachelor’s degree with CPA II
Apply here for the Meru County Budget & Finance Officers Kenya Jobs (4 Posts)
3. Meru County Store Keeper Jobs in Kenya (5 Posts)
Be a Kenyan citizen
Be a holder of a certificate in Supplies Chain Management or its equivalent from a recognized institution
Apply here for the Meru County Store Keeper Jobs in Kenya (5 Posts)
4. Meru County Procurement Assistant Jobs Kenya (10 Posts)
Be a Kenyan citizen with KCSE C-with C- in mathematics, English or Kiswahili
Served for at least 3 years in grade of Supply Chain Management Assistant
Apply here for the Meru County Procurement Assistant Jobs Kenya (10 Posts)
5. Meru County ICT Support Officer Jobs Kenya (4 Posts)
Must have KCSE C+ and above or its equivalent qualification.
A Degree in Information Technology disciplines from a recognized institution.
Apply here for the Meru County ICT Support Officer Jobs Kenya (4 Posts)
6. Meru County Network Administrator Kenyan Jobs
Must have KCSE C+ and above or its equivalent qualification.
Bachelor degree in Electrical electronics with a bias in Telecommunication & Networking, Computer Science or an IT related discipline from a recognized institution.
Apply here for the Meru County Network Administrator Kenyan Jobs