Safaricom Ndoto Zetu, How to Apply Online & Download Application Form

6 years ago

Safaricom has launched Ndoto Zetu to transform communities throughout Kenya. The initiative follows a New Year challenge to Safaricom CEO Bob Collymore by a local comedian to support the Divas Power Initiative. Founded by Moesha Kibibi, a professional dancer, Divas Power seeks to support children from slums.

Collymore pledged to educate eighteen girls from Divas Power for a period of five years. Safaricom has now opened the opportunity to other Kenyans with dreams to transform their communities and is inviting them to share their aspirations for the year.

Safaricom Ndoto Zetu  Apply Online

Interested people should make written submissions to the Safaricom website by 06 April, 2019.

Safaricom Ndoto Zetu Sposnsorship Form

Download Safaricom Ndoto Zetu Application Form





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Tom odhiambo okech
Tom odhiambo okech
6 years ago

Hi am Tom odhiambo okech from Nyatike afarmer Nyatike is a semi arid area and we don’t hv cash crop .I aplierd for sourghum supplier to EABL they agree but they want me to start with 45 acres which I couldn’t manage.Sourghum farming can employ many youths in our society that’s why I think this is the best bcs I hv tried it.I kindly asking for surport to fulfill my dream.

Eunice Otieno
4 years ago

Am always admire the program when I saw it on television and I really need it to my community coz they really suffering or they something like this program to make their future bright.

Scholastica atieno
Scholastica atieno
6 years ago

How many marks are required

Juliet mwende
Juliet mwende
6 years ago

You’ve really assisted many people and I would like you yo help my brother who completed his primary level 2017 but since we cannot a afford the money for his fees because my dad was the bread winner of the family but unfortunately he started been sick and he could not make to and he passed on I don’t have I don’t know my mum because I stayed with my dad but since we had nobody to depend on my brothers and three other siblings were forced to be left with my step mum upcountry in kakamega and for me I am jobless I can’t take him yo school and yet he passed very well so I would request you if possible you can help him join high school so that he can pursue his dream peasei wi really be happy to see my brother joining school and opening ways to the family God bess safaricom

Hussein shaban aupe
Hussein shaban aupe
6 years ago

Hi i am huss

Hussein shaban aupe
Hussein shaban aupe
6 years ago

Hi i am hussein shaban aupe.from Turkana county,i am a Turkana by tribe,though the all family were muslims and thats why i am called hussein shaban with my Turkana last name aupe.i was born in a family of five,i am the last born and my other brothers died all of them ,am alone and stying always my best to help the kids of my brothers and also trying to work hard to help my self,my dad also died and my mum,i joined a bad team of criminals which took me to bad things and end up stayed in jail for six years in lodwar prison,where i started singing and later when i left the place ,i came out as a changed person and i changed from muslim to christianity and joined delivarance church ,where i am serving the lord up to date,my church helped me to record my first songs 4songs and one of the songs helped me and people got to know me as an artist in the all Turkana region, people know me now as Burnsen b gospel artist from Turkana and in the kenyan music inderstry,i am running an initiative which goes by the name( Burnsen B initiative)you can get it on you tube,you can also get my songs on you tube at Burnsen b tvs interviews that i have done and the many activities that i am doing in Turkana,i requesting your support and your help to support me ,to change the life of my brothers who are in lodwar prison though this Burnsen B initiative project that i started last year,Burnsen b initiative its an initiative that helps inmate who are in lodwar prison to support there skills ,so far i have managed to supoort one of the prisoners who was in priosn for 15years and came out recently ,ali Nur.with carpentry equipments for him to start a new life and change from being a bad perosn to a good person and use that skill that he got in jail out side here to help him and to help his family as well,my dream is to buld for this people a correction centre where by they will be getting chouncelling,advice to become better people in future ,and to Nurture there skills by putting up some departments of variaties skills that they have in this correction centre for them ,to work hard and be getting something for there families from the skills that they got from jail, some of them got skills of making candles and soaps,some of them got this carpetry skills ,some of them are talented just like me and if they can be supported they will become. The future artist of Turkana people and the all world in general and they can touch many and change many,i do this event after every three month,i do request soaps and sanitary towels and tissues and vesline,and take to lodwar prison from my friends ,its quit a challenge because sometimes i dont have something to take to them,sometimes people dont understand me when i request such things from them to take to this people,its only view people that understand,sometimes many of them want help from me but i cant help them because of my financial status,am now planing to open a school of computer in lodwar prison this year,for this brothers of mine atleast to learn computer courses because the world is changing and we are going to the digital world,where they also need to know more about it for them to learn making even money online ,and even in future to come out and get employed and cuber cafes around Turkana and get something for there family at the end of the day ,i really have a lot that i wish and planing to do to this inmate,but my challenge is financial,my challenge is people that can support this dream to come true,my challenge is people to stand with me and help me change the live of many youth,s in Turkana county though my ,music and though this activities that i am running,am requesting you help me ,to archive this dream,to help the orphans and needy people in Turkana like me because i believe there many more who have same need like me and my brothers who are in prison ,not me alone,please help me where you can,check my prove on you tube ,Burnsen b initiative on face book also ,please help me help the people of Turkana,thank you

6 years ago

Hi Hussein, Please use this link to apply. Safriacom Ndoto Zetu

Frederick omondi olumu
Frederick omondi olumu
5 years ago

If safari com can be helping the needy in that series,, then many Kenyan will be atlest somewhere.

5 years ago

Good job for safari com’s initiative to support the community at.

Lonah Jepkorir
5 years ago

that is the spirit

5 years ago

Winners always comes in style like such an amazing idea of ndoto personally I think that’s why you are the leading network. I appreciate your work @safaricom God bless you

Isaac.k kurgat
Isaac.k kurgat
5 years ago

Hi i am Isaac koech kurgat from Nandi county, I thank safaricom for ndoto zetu program. My kindly request to safaricom is to assist to startup a community tree nursery with indigenous tree which will be distributed to community to plant in water catchment areas. So that we get enough clean water in our society. And conserve our river which is in danger to dryup.

Kirwa kiprop Abraham
Kirwa kiprop Abraham
5 years ago

thanks to Safaricom for great help to community, however I would like you help the community of Karuna Meibeki ward in raising funds for purchase of tree seedlings and raising nursery trees, thus making the slogan real, when we come together great things happens

Evans Namasakaka Wafula

I would like to get a loan to finance my project

Dancan kitheka
5 years ago

Hi I would safaricom to help me in my quest for supporting talent youth in my community! I am planning fund raising for this initiative. I will be running from Nairobi to machakos in a bid to collect funds! If you can sponsor this initiative! I would be able to help change lives of many talented children. Please helping change lives is my dream and yours too!

patrick njenga
patrick njenga
5 years ago

hae i am patrick njenga,i finished school in 2015 whereby i managed to scorew a mean grade of dream is always ever wanted to be a doctor.i applied for kmtc of which i secured a place to go an study clinical medicine and surgery,i was very haappy but due to lack of sufficient funds i was not admitted it has been 4 years now and i am yet to join the college.please safaricom help me with school fees so that i can study and be able to help the community,because a healthy kenya is a wealthy kenya.thank you in advance

Bonface okute
Bonface okute
5 years ago

Is the ndoto zetu program still on. Im unable to get the applicatiom form

Nelson. Indakwa
Nelson. Indakwa
5 years ago

I need solar water pump. as agrant from SAFARICOM

Okoth amolo
Okoth amolo
5 years ago

Great i need water solution for a Primary school in my home area,how do i go about it?

Caroline Akinyi Odhiambo
Caroline Akinyi Odhiambo
5 years ago

Hi,i have heard alot about this program of safaricom keep up…Can you help my group with funds to grow their business.

Japheth Kalii kitivo
Japheth Kalii kitivo
5 years ago

Hi safaricom, thank you for ndoto zetu intiative which is transforming lives of many kenyans. I was born in kitambaa village, kathungi location, katulani sub-county in kitui county.
In our village poverty and clean water issue is what drives our people. We have no boreholes in our area. When it comes to dry season we fetch water from swamps which is very dirty because wild animals, stray dogs and all domestic animals still drink from the same swamp. The neaby river is about 8km( from kitambaa area to kalundu river) to and fro takes a journey of 16km to get water with a donkey carrying two 20litre jerricans.
We are about 60 families facing this challenge. We communicated to former kitui county gorverner but the issue was not settled. We later wrote to JICA but they did not respond to our cry. Now because our County and national government have left us in darkness, the only saviour is you SAFARICOM. Our dream is to get a borehole and our tomorrow will be grater than today.

Jemimah ndunge
Jemimah ndunge
5 years ago

There is a high school at kola which has no fence can u help them fence the school because the students are on danger learning in a school that is not secure kindly its help them thanku

Okoth amolo
Okoth amolo
5 years ago

I need water harvesting method for people of my maiden community e.g borehole and storage tanks to enhance cattle growth in our Nyamaji area Ruri sub location,in order to eradicate suffering which is caused by water shortage every year.Note:We keep on loosing cows and Goats during dry seasons and this is a serious cocern,like one time i lost six Bulls approx.ksh 240,000/,due to the drought.The water can help us grow useful grass for cows etc.

sheilla yego
sheilla yego
5 years ago


sheilla yego
sheilla yego
5 years ago

hi thank for the good work your doing in our communities i need your support/guidance towards the education of secondary school children in slum areas who are less privileged

Caroline njeri mwangi
Caroline njeri mwangi
5 years ago

Good work,safaricom ndoto zetu,i would also like to share my story and have you people helping us.i have a group of co-workers who we sell with them all kinds of fruits from the market to provide for our daily basic needs.we would like you to help us with big umbrellas for our stocking in order to boost ourselves for sustain. we would like and be happy if you help us to build ourselves and raise our earnings by avoiding idling after a small stock that we go round selling our fruits,we finish our stock and due to no resources for stocking we end up stranded .

Felix irungu waweru (kinuthia the Comedian)
Felix irungu waweru (kinuthia the Comedian)
5 years ago

Safaricom√√ am Felix irungu waweru well know as kinuthia the comedian , from kirinyaga county 020 our county is most affected in miraa eating I had the three idea to change my youths from miraa eating and create jobs opportunity using our local product thus improve the living standard of kirinyagayouths i have. share my ideas with mcas and our governer ann waiguru but yet we have on solution to our problem
My ideas as following
*in kirinyaga we produce milk in large scale i was thinking we can start a milk site pack our milk in boxes 400ml and distrubute countrywide mainly in mombasa nairobi thus create job to this youths
√we produce maize in large scale i was thinking we start a flour site and pack our own flour that ½ 1 nd 2kg and sell county wide stil

Sharon Odhiambo
Sharon Odhiambo
5 years ago

Hi,am Sharon Odhiambo I love the idea but can you help build classrooms for a certain school in usigu division

Georgine linda
Georgine linda
5 years ago

Am a young lady aged greatful that a big organization like safaricom can take the initiative of solving many major and serious problems affecting the people at mashinani”.All my life I have wanted to be ateacher/lecturer,to guide and counsil people,to give them hope for a better tomorrow but,I have not had that opportunity,In 2015 I was diagnosed with breast cancer,i went through two surgeries,one minor and a masectomy was done which made me loose my breast.I also had my chemotherapy done here in kenya and right now am ok just on a pill called tamoxifen to curb pain from the effects of chemo”.Most people don’t have support centres where theycan go n jst share there experiences,and give hope to those who are battling diseases like cancer,diabetes,renal failure.I would love to have such a facility in my community.I would love to work and live happy just like any other person.I would like pple like me who are survivors to be given one extra chance in society to proove that they can beat anything that weighs them down.please help me fullfil my give Hope.

Joshua Mwangi nguyo
Joshua Mwangi nguyo
5 years ago

Hi,safaricom,ndoto zetu have come to real,thanks safaricom foundation,,I may also request,,to my community,,,clean water for consumption,,,, am from nyandarua,north,sub_country, ndaragwa constituency, leshau pondo ward, area where I was born,and witnessed my surrounding community’s,, suffering from clean water,for use,,,they have been using,,dirty water from dirty dams with their animals,,making it un save.But there is a sustain, oasis,produces a lot of water and clean water and never get dry even in dry season.This oasis need to constructed, in a better way,,,so that we can capture this water in a correct manner,and put taps,tanks.This project need,a total cash of:,650000ksh,and it will help the community widely, we will appreciate to ur support,

Alex Muiruri Wakahe
5 years ago

I leave in kamulu the far end of Nairobi and am in the BOG of st. Georges Secondary school. This school still has iron sheet classes. The school needs to drill water and construct modern Buildings. As a Board Member am inviting your Organization to visit the school and have this prove that we have such school existing in Nairobi. Join me in assisting the school. I can give directions.

Alex Muiruri Wakahe
5 years ago

I leave in kamulu the far end of Nairobi and am in the BOG of st. Georges Secondary school. This school still has iron sheet classes. The school needs to drill water and construct modern Buildings. As a Board Member am inviting your Organization to visit the school and have this prove that we have such school existing in Nairobi. Join me in assisting the school. I can give directions.

Benson mwangi
Benson mwangi
5 years ago

Hi. This is Benson mwangi a student karatina University. Taking bachelor of arts in community development. With full knowledge and due respect of safaricom foundation. I would like to put forward a suggestion of writing our pride of safaricom foundation the better option in green as it is. Meaning that as a community developer I need to make awareness on environmental conservation to the people. This sounds a bit hard but with your help I will make it.
We need clean water, green vegetation not only today but also our future, we can start tree nurseries and distribute seedlings to students in high schools colleges and universities as well as pupils.
At my position as a community developer I will be effective for this job. But only succeed with your help.
#safaricom go green.

Anthony mtelema willy
Anthony mtelema willy
5 years ago

Hallo safaricom my name is Anthony mtelema aka kindhearted cop yes iam a cop I do charity work to help the needy children through my program simama na mwanafunzi I do help children from poor background get what they lack for them to be in school , fees, books, uniforms, shoes, and also foodstuffs , kindly help me push on with my dream’s to help 1million children in this country . my upcoming project I would like to help nguuni primary school in tseikuru we did build them a class but teachers have no staffroom or a place for them to relax also kitchen in that school is in a mess kindly help them through your ndoto zetu program…

Juliet m munyua
Juliet m munyua
5 years ago

Kindly let us know how we are going to submit the application forms. We are Karanene primary school,Buuri sub county in Meru county. We have a dream of nurturing talents in various games and sports, but we have a challenge, we have a steep n small field, when practising for games we do it on the road which is not only dangerous but risky to the pupils. We also don’t have permanent buildings and learning materials, most of our pupils cannot read we are requesting for textbooks for the learners, since we are in dire need. We have before engaged the community in contributing iron sheets, desks, building toilets.
Looking forward for your considerations..

Alex hassan
Alex hassan
5 years ago

Hi am Alex from madoya hope art kids group Acrodance we are naturing young kids talents we are requesting if you can boost us to buy for this young girls and boy dancing costumes and drums for them to be able to continue to practice today and tomorrow we hope for a positive response

5 years ago

Thank you for such a wonderful initiative of helping marginalised communities /areas to realise basic infrastructural development. My village is Mwiganda/Kaongo in Miathene Location, Meru County, where there are no roads, electricity or bridges to connect it to the other parts of Kenya. Unfortunately, expectant mothers here have to be put on stretchers and be carried shoulder high by men to cross the Ndurumo stream to the nearest hospital when their delivery times approach.. We have severally appealed to politicians and well-wishers for long on the same but we do not see any help in the foreseeable future.

During the rainy season, children cannot cross the said stream to attend school at Antubeiga Pry School. The village is sarcastically called the ‘UNCIVILIZED ISLAND’ by others. On behalf of the local Mwiganda/Kaongo Self Help Group, I wish to request you to partner with us to construct a bridge across the stream to help the inhabitants and others connect to the Miathene-Antubeiga Road hence opening this place for development Thanking you in advance.

5 years ago

I work as an instructor in KIRWARA YOUTH POLYTECHNIC . We have over one hundred trainees had regestered in our January intake. Due to increasing number of trainees, we have been unable to give proper training because our workshop rans with few or no working tools and material.
In fashion &design class they have no proper working sewing machine and and neating material.
Capentry workshop has no timber and tool such as jackplane, spokeshave , chisel and suchclamp.
in motorvihecle mechanic we have no working car or engine.
In hairdressing & beauty therapy we only have one drier and one blowdrier machines.
In masionary we need building stones and lime.
In catering class they have no cooking materials and utensils.
We will apreciate very much for your help because be able to give proper training
and reduce insecurity in our villages and idleness . thank you

Damaris Wanjiku wanyoike

Hey Safaricom … I’m Damaris and i have been suffering from yeast infection for the last seven years that’s from class six up-to form four and i didn’t manage to go to seek medical services due to the difficulties i was undergoing back in the days… You can imgn that life of wearing wet panties cz you have only have two and you can’t do anything about it… When i was in class eight that’s when i started having my periods and getting sanitary towels was a problem.. The situation was tough cz i used to kujikana kila saa. As ‘I’m talking i don’t know whether i will be able to conceive in future cz of course that disease destroys everything but i still believe in God and i know a will give birth to my own kids.. Now i know many girls are undergoing those difficulties and and i don’t want any other girl to experience what i experienced… Please help me reach at list 300 girls and if it’s possible i would like to help a certain family build a home…..

Belinder Ouma
Belinder Ouma
5 years ago

Hi I would like to request you to donate food for our school in Mathare slum. Thanks in advance.

Jaredy Austine
Jaredy Austine
5 years ago

Hallo Safaricom thanks for the good work.We run awelfare group with 32 other members and we own tents and chairs which we lease during functions like funerals and weddings at a subsidized fee.We use the amount we raise from chairs to pay fees to 7needy students.My request is to invite you to come and address a need to buy a means that can help as in moving our chairs and tends to various points and add as some more chairs.

Mary Wanjiku Ndichu
5 years ago

My name is Mary Ndichu..a teacher in Wanjengi primary school ,Kahuro sub county in Muranga….we really need textbooks in the school as the few we have are torn are still being shared by at least 4 kids each…we also need a good fence and a gate as the school is not secure at the kids are forced to carry their books home everyday ..a sponsor donated a printer but we are not able to use it as we dont have a computer or laptop…if given one we shall manage to set own exams and this will help the already improving kids do much better…i have seen other peoples drrams being fulfilled and am hoping that the kids i teach will also have a smile in their faces soon. .thankyou in advance

Everlyn Nzilani
5 years ago

Dear safcom, first of all i would like to thank you for being such a tremendous help in our society.secondly , i just completed my pastry course in kibera slums and would really appreciate it if you sponsored the necessary equipments to start my small fridge and oven.yours trully number one customer

5 years ago

Hi am james from kitui county we had started a community based organization to support the young kids to realise their talents and also promote education among the community by sharing up with primary school kids but because of lack of funds we are unable to achieve our objectives and also to held the meetings with this children and community so iam politely asking for financial support for the group

erick ngunjiri
erick ngunjiri
5 years ago

Dear Safaricom, i would like to appreciate the great work you are doing to improve the lives.
In Nanyuki there is a public institution known as CEDC. Its a place where street and neglected children are brought in order to help give meaning and hope to their lives since they are catered for by a place to sleep and food as well. Recently they have increased in number and its a challenge to provide for their basic needs since most of the help comes from wellwishers. They need food, matrresses, blankets, books and uniforms, for those who are lucky to attend nearby schools, balls etc.
i would really appreciate if you could offer help to them as well. Am sure this will bring joy to these children and show them that they are not alone in this journey of life.

Juma .G. hamisi
Juma .G. hamisi
5 years ago

I like this ndoto zetu because it transform lives

Juma .G. hamisi
Juma .G. hamisi
5 years ago

I like this ndoto zetu because it transform lives , I want to transform life of the youths in my county muranga, through film so I need full HD cameras and boom mics and sound recorder and computers for editing and Epson printers thank you

Robin kiprop
Robin kiprop
5 years ago

It is my humble request that I pray to God to shower you with abundant blessings.kindly I would like to get a safaricom scholarship for my University education since am stack since I completed form form four . thanks safaricom the smart network

Juma .G. hamisi
Juma .G. hamisi
5 years ago

I am juma, I am a script writer and actor from muranga county and my dream is to help youth not to get into drugs and alcohol by engaging them in film all I need is good full HD cameras,boom mics sound recorder and computers for editing and with that I can change alot

5 years ago

Hello Safaricom thanks for your project kutimiza ndoto ya jamii zetu, I am Khadija from Tana River county, kindly I want to transform the life of my people by providing water pumping machine since we cant afford to buy those machines because initially we had two machines but it was damaged by the flood now people are suffering because they don’t have irrigation machines and the land is 6200 acreage they cant use manual to carry on with their farming system even that river is too dangerous to do farming without pumping machines, kindly I need your help. I have prepared a research proposal. thank you.

5 years ago

A good job from safaricom. Kindly assist us people from Kibiri ward in Homa bay county in Rachuonyo North sub county in gettin water for their domestic and agricultural use. The place is so dry. Hoping to get positive response.

4 years ago


Eunice Otieno
4 years ago

Am always admire the program when I saw it on television and I really need it to my community coz they really suffering or they something like this program to make their future bright.

Muses chambu
Muses chambu
4 years ago

Im Muses chambu suba/magunga our hospital is level 4 my dream is to have mortuary because we’re traveling long distance to get this facility.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x