Diploma in Dental Technology KMTC – Kenya Medical Training College

1 year ago

Diploma in Dental Technology KMTC – Kenya Medical Training College

Diploma in Dental Technology KMTC Related

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Dental Technology is a specialty in the field of dentistry that deals with the treatment and rehabilitation of the tissues of the oral cavity and the face. It encompasses the design and fabrication of various dental prostheses and corrective appliances such as dentures, braces and crowns and bridges.

Training of dental technologists at KMTC dates back to 1968 when the first three students were admitted to train in the department.  We have designed the program to produce highly skilled Dental Technologists, who are able to design, fabricate and fit dental restorations, prostheses and appliances.

The department also seeks to enlarge understanding of new and developing areas of dental technology.  In addition, our training seeks to enhance relationships within the dental teams in which our students work upon their successful graduation by instilling the importance of teamwork in them.

We are happy to have you enroll with us as we seek to make a difference in the lives of those we serve. We welcome you to take up this journey with us.

Entry Requirements

C  (English or Kiswahili) and C (Biology or Biological Sciences) and C- in two of these (Chemistry, Home Science, Agriculture, Mathematics)

Mode of Study

  • Full Time

Application Procedure

Prosepective candidates are expected to submit a duly completed application form which can be obtained from the KMTC website, KMTC face book and KMTC campuses across the country.  Candidates are advised to attach legible Photostat copies of academic certificates; school leaving certificate and national identity card/birth certificate.  Applications must be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of KShs.1, 000 OR US$50 for non-Kenyans in the form of Banker’s Cheque or National bank deposit slip. Application fee does not guarantee admission.  Candidates should provide reliable and permanent mailing address with postal codes for any future contact. Those near Nairobi may hand deliver the completed application forms at KMTC Headquarters’ offices.



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6 years ago

I HUSSEIN ABDIKADIR ADAN, I completed my education level (K..C.S.E) I attain C- ,I need a sponsorship if I got its highly appreciated

5 years ago

i appreciate kmtc,and i hope one day i will be among its allumni.i attained kcse mean grade of c plain,c- in three sciences, c+ english will i qulify to persue diploma in dental sergery?i will appreciate your reply

Joshua kipkosgei
4 years ago

Why don’t I qualify for a diploma in dental technology yet I sustained a C plain, with C+ in English,C- in Biology and with D+ in maths and C+ in chemistry

Brian Abuga
3 years ago

I am interested in diploma in dental technology. which kmtc campuses offer the course?


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