Kenya Prisons Service Recruitment 2018: Date and qualification Requirement

6 months ago

<meta name=”description” content=” News ☛ In 2018 there is going to be a massive Kenya prison recruitment of professional cadet officers conducted countrywide. Here is what you need to know about ★KENYA PRISON RECRUITMENT★ including qualification requirement.”>
<meta name=”twitter:description” content=”In 2018 there is going to be a massive Kenya prison recruitment of professional cadet officers conducted countrywide. Here is what you need to know about ★KENYA PRISON RECRUITMENT★ including qualification requirement.”>
<meta property=”og:description” content=”In 2018 there is going to be a massive Kenya prison recruitment of professional cadet officers conducted countrywide. Here is what you need to know about ★KENYA PRISON RECRUITMENT★ including qualification requirement.”>


The Kenya prison service will announce all the available vacancies including for cadet officers. The requirements are to ensure that only those who are qualified get the availed jobs. So to avoid any disappointments make sure you meet all the stated Kenya prisons cadets requirements and avail yourself at the recruitment venue on time. The recruitment process is always free of charge, and any bribery or corruption misconducts are considered unlawful.

Kenya prison recruitment requirement

While there have been a few complaints on bribery especially for individuals who want to be recruited at any means necessary; if you’re less deserving especially in terms of physical fitness, there’s a high chance that you’re likely to be overwhelmed by the extensive field training.

The general requirements for prospective candidates include:

Academic and technical qualifications

To qualify as a candidate for the cadet officer position, you must have a relevant undergraduate degree from any recognized institution of higher learning. You must also have work experience of 2 years and above and be registered with the relevant bodies in your industry. While waiting for the Kenya prison recruitment 2018/2019, some of the cadet officer’s position that you can expect to get on the list are:

How to apply for the cadet officer position

If you meet all the general conditions and requirements for the advertised post, then the next step is to apply for the cadet position.

  1. Go the official public service website and download the PS2 form. Make sure it’s the 2007 revised copy.
  2. Fill all the required details requested in the Kenya prison recruitment application form
  3. Attach a clear copy of your Identification Card (ID)
  4. Attach copies of related academic and professional certificates
  5. Post all your details. One of the listed factors during the Kenya prison recruitment 2017 requirements was to post your application details to the Commissioner General of Prisons. You can also send to the specified postal address on the advertisement.

What you need to carry during recruitment

To avoid any unnecessary delays, always send your Kenya prison service recruitment application form before the set deadline day. During the day of recruitment, candidates who are interested in becoming cadet officers should carry:

What to expect during Kenya prison recruitment 2018

The idea of joining 2018 Kenya prison recruitment appeals to many people either because of the calling to serve your country or the incentives that can better your life. Whatever your reasons are, upon recruitment, all successful candidates will have to go through an intensive military training course. The professional cadet training course is not for the faint of heart as it can last up to 13 months. Furthermore, the candidates will also have to undertake a self-sponsored postgraduate diploma course in security and correctional science.

After the advertisement has been announced and interested parties have sent the needed requirements, a list of candidates that are successful will be announced. The successful candidates will also be notified via the phone numbers and emails they listed on the filled forms. The Kenya prison service shortlisted candidates for the post of cadets will then have a date of the interview where they will have to convince the judges that they can handle the job at hand.

Just because you are shortlisted doesn’t guarantee that you have passed the recruitment. The recruitments ends after you have passed the interview as well as the intensive training course. Always ensure that you attend the interview as per the date, time and venue indicated. If your name doesn’t appear on the list, you should consider yourself unsuccessful, but it doesn’t mean you should not try the next time. Some people have had luck after applying for the recruitment more than once.

What you need to carry during the interview

During the interview, shortlisted applicants will be asked to produce original academic and professional certificates, National Identity Card and transcripts.

Kenya prison cadet salary

If you ace the interview then your own your way to earning a monthly salary. Kenya prison cadet salary which includes allowances such as risk and commuter allowances allow these offices to live a comfortable life and escape the unemployment crisis. The minimum basic salary for a cadet is about Ksh 30,000. But it also depends on an individual’s field of specialization.



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