Kenya School of Flying Fees Structure & Courses

7 years ago

Find fee structure for all the courses offered at the Kenya School of Flying college. Kenya School of Flying offers training in piloting courses.

Kenya School of Flying is a professional flight training school based in Kenya. The main campus is situated at Wilson Airport in Nairobi, other flight bases are at Malindi, Orly Airpark, and Ukunda airstrip. Kenya School of Flying provides personalized training and students have full access to our simulator and aircraft for practical. Students are assured of graduating with excellent flying skills for their goals of flying in any airline.

Kenya School of Flying Fees Structure and  Courses


This course takes four to six months and involves:

  • 45 flying hours and revision
  • General flight test
  • Ground school instruction course
  • Morse code tutorial

Students will be assessed by a KCAA GFT examiner.

Fee Structure

Phase 1: PPL (Approx. 4 – 6 Months) Minimum Charges

Item Cost (Ksh)
Flying hours and Revision: 45 hours @ Ksh 14,360 646,200
Ground School Instruction Course 45,000
Stationery, Equipment and Uniform 101,600
First Aid Course by St. John Ambulance 9,500
*Accommodation at Orly: 45 days @ 1,500 67,500
*Return Ticket to Malindi/Ukunda (Approx.) 20,000
*Accommodation at Malindi: 60 days @ 1,500 90,000
Air Navigation Service charges 15,000
TOTAL 994,800
KCAA PPL GFT booking 2,000
KCAA PPL Ground Exams/RT/Eng. Prof. 14,000
KCAA PPL License Application 3,200
TOTAL 19,200
Approximate Minimum Grand Total 1,014,000
PPL KCAA Examiner Fees (Paid direct to the Examiner) = USD 200

Commercial Pilot’s License

This course takes eight to twelve months, and involves:

  • A further 155 flying hours
  • CPL ground school

Fee Structure

Phase 2: CPL (Approx. 8 – 12 Months) Minimum charges

Item Cost (Ksh)
Flying 155 hours above the 45 PPL hours @ Ksh 14,360 2,225,800
3 hours for the General Flight Test (GFT) @ Ksh 14,360 43,080
CPL Ground School 60,000
*Accommodation at Orly/Malindi: 90 days @ 1,500/= 135,000
*Return ticket to Malindi/Ukunda (Approx.) 20,000
TOTAL 2,483,880
KCAA CPL Ground Exams 20,000
KCAA TTR C210 5,000
KCAA Gas Turbine & Perf. A Exam 4,100
KCAA CPL GFT booking 2,000
KCAA License Application 4,500
TOTAL 35,600
Approximate Minimum Grand Total 2,519,480
CPL KCAA Examiner Fees (Paid direct to the Examiner) = USD 400

Initial Multi Engine/Instrument Rating

This course takes six weeks. KCAA regulation 67 Part II requires 45 hours initial instrument hours broken into:

  • 20 hours on approved simulator
  • 25 hours on Twin Seneca PA34

Fee Structure

Phase 3: Multi/Ratings (Approx. 2 Months) Minimum Charges

Item Cost (Ksh)
20 hours approved simulator @ Ksh 6,500 per hour 130,000
25 hours on Twin Seneca PA 34 @ Ksh 42,780 per hour 1,069,500
3 hours for the General Flight Test (GFT) @ Ksh 42,780 128,340
Approximate Minimum Cost 1,327,840


Fee Structure

Chargeable by KCAA

KCAA TTR PA 34 5,000
KCAA Exam Booking 4,000
KCAA Multi/IR License Endorsement 4,000
TOTAL 13,000
Approximate Minimum Cost 1,340,840
MULTI/IR KCAA Examiner Fees (Paid direct to the Examiner) = USD 500
KCAA Reg.67 (PEL) Part II requires 45 hours initial instrument hours broken into:
Phase 1 PPL 1,014,000
Phase 2 CPL 2,519,480
Phase 3 Multi/IR 1,340,840
Approximate Minimum Cost 4,874 ,320

1. These rates are liable to change at very short notice due to fluctuations in the foreign

exchange rates and prices of AVGAS fuel.

2. All students will need to pick an insurance option amongst the available ones upon






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