Kenyan Girlfriend? What You Should Not Do For Her This Valentine

8 years ago

Kenyan Girlfriend? What You Should Not Do For Her This Valentine

Valentines’ Day is almost here! And with it comes the opportunity to show our loved ones (read lovers) how much we appreciate them. This is automatically translated to flowers, chocolates, a night out for the ladies, and maybe a watch, shoes, perfume or book for the gentlemen. Good enough for the do’s. However, here is what you should not do for her this Valentines

1. Don’t Surprise Her With Flowers

Is there a ‘surprise’ more cliché and so unsurprising! This, dear man, is not a Valentines’ plan. She might jump up and down in glee when you pull this stunt, but it’s only to save both of you the embarrassment, knowing that her man couldn’t come up with a better idea. Don’t send flowers to her office or show up with a bunch at her door. Be creative.

2. Don’t Pull A Prank On Her

It is Valentines’, for chrissake! Not April Fool’s Day. This day is solely dedicated to showing appreciation to lovers by being nice to them and getting them memorable gifts, not playing pranks, no matter how funny it is.  Just get the damn gifts, save the pranks for April.

3. Don’t Propose

We are expecting you to do this on Valentines’, so it won’t be a surprise. Of course, just like in the flowers situations, we will act all excited and over ourselves, but we really are not. Everyone wants to propose on Valentines’, you just joined the bandwagon. How creative! If say you propose a day after Valentines’, then that’s a beautiful surprise. But on the lovers’ day, really?

4. Don’t Do A Double Date

A double date is a good idea for any other day, but not for this particular lovers’ day. Valentines should provide an opportunity to spend quality time with your girlfriend, not with your girlfriend and your/her friends. You have all the other days of the year to do so. On this day, get plans for the two of you, alone.

5. Don’t Tell Social Media

Resist the temptation to make this day a show-off of how much money you have or what a superman you are to your girlfriend. Everyone else is probably also having a good time, so cut them the slack. Your social media friends expect you, or any other person on their list to do amazing things for their lovers, and they are not interested to know all the details. Resist from posting photos of the two of you every six minutes. This is a day for you to spend time loving each other, not loving each other for the whole world! Do your thing, and call it a day.

This Valentines’ let us do it a little different.








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