KUCCPS Admission Lists 2019/2020: Lists of School’s Admission Lists & Letters 2019/2020

6 months ago

2018 KUCCPS Admission List & Letters Updates! Do you want the list of Universities, Polytechnics and Other Institution in Kenya Whose Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service KUCCPS Admission List have been released online for the 2019/2020 academic session? Here you got it all.

KUCCPS Admission list is simply the names of successfully admitted applicants offered provisional admission into an institution. Admission List are usually released by institutions after the conduct of admission screening exercise.ions in Kenya that have released the Admission List: The names of successful applicants (prospective students. offered provisional admission into various Undergraduate Degree and Postgraduate Programmes for the 2019/2020 academic year.

IMPORTANT: This post will be updated regularly as each school releases their admission list and KUCCPS Admission List and Letter respectively, so you are advised to Bookmark and visit this page regularly so as to ascertain your institution of choice list of admitted student for the 2019/2020 academic year.

How To Check Your School of Choice KUCCPS Admission List On This Page:-

This page contains the general list of Institutions whose KUCCPS Admission List and Letters are out, therefore you will have to Click on the provided link to view the Details of a specific institution of your choice.

  1. Click on the link representing the name of your choice institutions.
  2. Follow the procedure on that page that follows.
  3. Confirm your Admission Status.


Public Chartered Universities

  1. University of Nairobi (UoN. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  2. Moi University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  3. Kenyatta University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  4. Egerton University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  5. Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  6. Maseno University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  7. Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  8. Dedan Kimathi University of Technology KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  9. Chuka University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  10. Technical University of Kenya (TUKENYA. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  11. Technical University of Mombasa (TUM. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  12. Pwani University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  13. Kisii University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  14. University of Eldoret (UoE. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  15. Maasai Mara University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  16. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  17. Laikipia University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  18. South Eastern Kenya University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  19. Meru University of Science and Technology KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  20. Multimedia University of Kenya (MMU. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  21. University of Kabianga (UK. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
  22. Karatina University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020

Public University Constituent Colleges

  1. Murang’a University College (JKUAT. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    2.    Machakos University College (KU. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    3.    The Co-operative University College of Kenya (JKUAT. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    4.    Embu University College (UoN. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    5.    Kirinyaga University College (JKUAT. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    6.    Rongo University College (MU. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    7.    Kibabii University College (MMUST. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    8.    Garissa University College (MU. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    9.    Taita Taveta University College (JKUAT. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020

Private Chartered Universities

  1. University of Eastern Africa, Baraton KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    2.    Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    3.    Daystar University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    4.    Scott Christian University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    5.    United States International University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    6.    Africa Nazarene University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    7.    Kenya Methodist University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    8.    St. Paul’s University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    9.    Pan Africa Christian University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    10.    Strathmore University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    11.    Kabarak University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    12.    Mount Kenya University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    13.    Africa International University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    14.    Kenya Highlands Evangelical University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    15.    Great Lakes University of Kisumu KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    16.    KCA University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    17.    Adventist University of Africa KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020

Private University Constituent Colleges

  1. Hekima University College (CUEA. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    2.    Tangaza University College (CUEA. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    3.    Marist International University College (CUEA. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    4.    Regina Pacis University College (CUEA. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    5.    Uzima University College (CUEA. KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020

Institutions with Letters of Interim Authority

  1. Kiriri Women’s University of Science and Technology KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    2.    Aga Khan University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    3.    GRETSA University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    4.    Presbyterian University of East Africa KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    5.    Inoorero University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    6.    The East African University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    7.    GENCO University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    8.    Management University of Africa KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    9.    Riara University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    10.    Pioneer International University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    11.    UMMA University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    12.    International Leadership University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    13.    Zetech University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020

Registered Private Institutions

KAG – East University KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020

List of Public Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority Institutions in the Country

National Polytechnics, KTTC and Technical Universities
1.    Kenya Technical Teachers Training College KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
2.    Technical University of Kenya KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
3.    Technical University of Mombasa KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
4.    Eldoret Polytechnic KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
5.    Kisumu Polytechnic KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020

Institutes of Technology

  1. Coast IT KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    2.    Rwika TI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    3.    Nyandarua IST KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    4.    Kiambu IS&T KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    5.    Rift Valley IST KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    6.    Friends Kaimosi KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    7.    Sangalo IST KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    8.    Siaya IT KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    9.    Ramogi IAT KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    10.    Gusii IT KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020

Technical Training Institutes
1.    Nairobi TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
2.    Kabete TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
3.    PC Kinyanjui TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
4.    Mombasa TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020

  1. NEP TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    6.    Meru TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    7.    Nkabune TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    8.    Kiirua TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    9.    Mukiria TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    10.    Katine TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    11.    Wote TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    12.    Mathenge TI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    13.    Nyeri TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    14.    Michuki TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    15.    Thika TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    16.    Kitale TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    17.    Rift Valley TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    18.    Ollesos TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    19.    Kaiboi TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    20.    Baringo TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    21.    Emining TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    22.    Masai TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    23.    Sigalagala TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    24.    Shamberere TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    25.    Bushiangala TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    26.    Matili TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    27.    Kisiwa TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    28.    Musakasa TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    29.    Bumbe TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    30.    Mawego TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020
    31.    Keroka TTI KUCCPS Admission List & Letters 2019/2020




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