Robert Mugabe quotes


List of Degrees Robert Mugabe Holds

List of Degrees Robert Mugabe Holds. Robert Mugabe was ranked as the Most Learned President in the World during his tenure as the president of Zimbabwe. Do you know how many degrees Robert Mugabe had? Here is the list of Robert Mugabe degrees. ROBERT GABRIEL MUGABE – ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS ACADEMIC DEGREES: Bachelor of Arts (History […]


Hilarious Love Quotes By Robert Mugabe On Relationships

1. “Some women’s legs are like rumors, they just keep on spreading” 2. “It’s hard to bewitch African girls these days because each time you take a piece from her hair to the witch doctor, either a Brazilian innocent woman gets mad or a factory in China catches fire”. 3. “If you are ugly; you


Robert Mugabe 40 Funny Quotes on Women & Kenya

Here are 40 Funny Quotes Robert Mugabe: If over 15 guys have sucked your breasts, you don’t need to call those things “your breasts”, It’s called COW BELL, OUR MILK! – Repeat after me, OUR MILK! It’s hard to bewitch African girls these days. Every time you take a piece from her hair to the witch