Jobs & Careers

Teachers Service Commission – TSC Advertised Vacancies 2019 for 1050 Positions

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Teachers Service Commission – TSC Advertised Vacancies 2019 for 1050 Positions

Massive Recruitment at Teachers Service Commission – 1050 Positions

Although the Teachers Service Commission was established in 1967, its history dates back to the 1950s when teachers led by retired President Daniel T Moi vigorously fought for the formation of one teacher body.

Following the formation of the first teachers union in Kenya – the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) in 1957 there was sustained agitation for the creation of an umbrella body to manage the affairs of all teachers. At the time, teachers were employed by either; missionaries, local authorities or the Central Government which led to a great disparity in remuneration and other terms and conditions of service. In 1964, The Kenya Education Commission Report (The Ominde Report) strongly supported the need for a competent, respected and contented teaching force.

Secondary School Teachers – 21 positions

The Teachers Service Commission is advertising 218 posts for Secondary school to replace teachers who have exited service through Natural Attrition.


  • Applicants for vacancies in Post Primary institutions must be holders of a minimum of Diploma in Education Certificate.
  • Be a Kenyan citizen.
  • Must be 45 years of age and below.
  • Must have original Professional and Academic Certificates.
  • Must be registered as a teacher as per Section 23 of the Teachers Service Commission Act 2012.

Successful candidates will be deployed to serve in stations in any part of the country and not necessarily in the County where they were recruited.

Interested candidates should apply to the Secretary, Boards of Management of the School/Institution where the vacancy has been advertised and submit a copy to the TSC County Director.


Primary School Teachers – 83 positions

The Teachers Service Commission is advertising 832 posts for Primary Schools to replace teachers who have exited service through Natural Attrition.


  • Applicants for vacancies in Primary schools must be holders of P1 Certificate and will be selected from the County merit lists compiled during the May 2018 recruitment of additional teachers’ exercise.
  • Be a Kenyan citizen.
  • Must be 45 years of age and below.
  • Must have original Professional and Academic Certificates.
  • Must be registered as a teacher as per Section 23 of the Teachers Service Commission Act 2012.

Successful candidates will be deployed to serve in stations in any part of the country and not necessarily in the County where they were recruited.

Interested candidates should apply to the Secretary, Boards of Management of the School/Institution where the vacancy has been advertised and submit a copy to the TSC County Director.

How to apply

All interested candidates should submit their applications to the respective County Directors and Boards of Management as above not later than 21st March, 2019.

Download TSC Job details here

The Teachers Service Commission is an equal opportunity employer and people with disability are encouraged to apply.

The Teachers Service Commission will only deal with TSC County Selection Panels and Boards of Management in this exercise. Individual application to the Commission will NOT be considered.

Successful applicants must not fill employment forms in more than one station as this will lead to disqualification.

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